Big news!
Inside story!
Word is that the Interim City Manager Richard Herbek was about to layoff people Friday morning.
Yes, layoffs are eminent. But Herbek was convinced not to drop the hammer until Tuesday. There is a meeting or press release that is going to announce some very bad news for city taxpayers.
It is hard to confirm but taxpayers are facing a mega double-digit tax increase of 60 to 75 percent. This increase is happening even though the city is laying off more than 70 employees. And after all that, the city may face a 7 million dollar deficit by year end 2010!!!!!
Now, Mr. Herbek is no joke. He doesn’t have to do the politics game. He is not there to make friends. He is not elected and does not have a political mandate.
He said that there has not been a realistic budget done in Newburgh in over 10 years. Now reality is biting us is biting us in the soft flesh just below our wallets.
It will be interesting to see how elected city officials will deal with telling workers that their lack of vigilance has cost them their jobs.
The "Fat Lady hasn't sung yet!" The City Council is the last word, they know that a hefty, unrealistic tax raise will push more people out of this City. There has to be a better way, can we help them solve this fiscal disaster? The people must put brain in motion, come out and offer suggestions. BJ